Added Ultra Space Teleporter to the creative inventory.
Added Drowned World Teleporter to the creative inventory.
Added Ultra Deep Sea Kelp, Ultra Deep Sea Grass and Ultra Deep Sea Pickle, which will blind you, and put your party members to sleep, on contact with the block.
Added Ultra Desert Cactus, which will poison you, and your party members on contact with the block.
Added Ultra Deep Sea blocks: Ultra Deep Sea Crystal, Ultra Deep Sea Crying Crystal, Ultra Deep Sea Clay, Ultra Deep Sea Gravel, Ultra Deep Sea Stone, Ultra Deep Seagrass and Ultra Deep Sea Pickle.
Updated the Drowned World boss challenge.
Added Drowned World air-meter and health timer, with a flashing warning symbol when the timer is close to elapsing.
Added Drowned World biomes: Drowned Crimson, Drowned Warm and Drowned Dark.
Added Ultra Desert biome to Ultra Space.
Added Ultra Deep Sea biome to Ultra Space.
The minimum Forge version for this update is 36.2.34 and is required for a Pixelmon client to run.