Saferoom and lastpass
Saferoom and lastpass

You agreed to check on it every day until they return (except Christmas) to feed the cat, make sure the heater hasn’t broken down, collect mail and any packages that’ve arrived, and perform a general inspection to make sure nothing is out of order. The Setup: A wealthy friend of yours has gone out of town for the holidays and left their house in your care while they’re on vacation visiting relatives. Snowy and windy high 38 degrees F, low 12 degrees F

saferoom and lastpass

You’d hoped this would be a simple house-sitting gig for a friend, but you may now have stumbled upon a burglary in progress. You think about calling out “Hello?” for a second, but hesitate since you could potentially be alerting an uninvited (and possibly armed) guest to your presence. You swallow and step back to see if you notice anything else out of place. Did you screw up and forget to lock it this time, or are you about to walk in on an intruder? You’re incredibly vigilant about locking everything up before you leave, but here comes that eerie feeling again. Coming home to an open front door, however, is a more concerning sign that something or someone has been there. You thought you’d turned it off before you left, but did you just have a brain fart and forget? Did your spouse or one of the kids leave it on? These common oversights can often make your skin crawl for a few moments as you wonder if someone was inside while you were gone.

saferoom and lastpass

Even if you’re not usually absent-minded, you’ve probably felt the momentary confusion of arriving at home only to find a light was left on.

Saferoom and lastpass